The only official centre and rank of Guru Master Abbas to be authorised by the late Grand Master Tuan Guru Hj Jamalludin Shahidian 


A Guru is the highest Mater designated rank in Silat. It achieved on the basis of competency in the following areas of and can ONLY be evaluated by recognised Guru himself through reputation linked to the lineage of his systems leading Guru who authorises him while his Guru is alive and teaching him.



A Guru must have memorised and mastered the knowledge of the empty hand techniques striking combat forms and attack and defence methods of the system. This is also applied to the the variety of the 7 main bladed and non bladed weapons of the  Sendeng system. A knowledge and competency of inner development and mental development are essential in being able to coach the next generation of students. 


Adab Ikhlaq

A Guru has to be well rounded in his/her behaviour and follow the principles of being just and conscientious in discharging his duties in the welfare of his students. A Guru must not be known for being engaged in the use of non prescribed drugs or behaviour which guides others toward vices detrimental to mental and physical and spiritual well being. He should be someone with a good life experience and have a professional proven verifiable history so he can draw from that experience.   

Combat Physical


A Guru must have experience in being able to defend against opponents weather armed or unarmed. This criteria can be checked from testing by the Guru above him and from a professional background where the Guru has due to his profession had to use physical combat skills to defend on a regular basis. The Guru must be competent in being able to teach others the combat elements of the art. 

Designation of Rank Permission known as Ijaza


The rank of Guru can only be given by his immediate senior Guru lineage holder who was recognised as the Guru of the system and there is an unbroken chain to his Guru through the lineage. This is called GOLDEN CHAIN from disciple to disciple. The permission is also known as IJAZA and most not be revoked by his Guru who has given him Ijaza during his Guru teachers lifetime. If you are a Guru of that lineage is not not entitle you to be called a Guru of another system or lineage. This is how it has been for hundreds of years to give authentication.

Master Guru Abbas Hussain is the only authorised Guru for Silat Sendenng HH UK by Guru Hj Jamalludin the direct disciple authorised by Tuan Guru Hj Hamid the Legendary Master of Malaysia
Final authorisation issues to Master Guru Abbas Hussain the only authorised Guru rank Master disciple of Guru Hj Jamalludin Shahidia the direst combat Master disciple of Tuan Guru Hj Hamid the legendary combat Great Grand Master of Malaysia.

As above a Senior Guru gives the disciple Guru a further Authority in writing or in modern times also video in words giving him complete sole authority as the legal and rightful authority to main the integrity of an unbroken chain for the lineage of the system and to guide the Public to the correct authorised representative of the Silat system to stop unqualified and unauthorised representatives from misleading the Public.